Wednesday, 11 January 2017

A fantastic run of fundraising!

January's ScoutRail model rail show at Exeter Hall in Kidlington

It's mid January, and that means Kidlington Scout Group's bumper fundraising season is finished for another year. And what a successful few weeks it was!

December's Christmas Post saw our Scouts deliver thousands of Christmas cards in Kidlington and Bletchingdon. Our one day bag-packing at Sainsbury's just before Christmas was really well supported by members of the group and shoppers. Our final major annual fundraiser, the ScoutRail model railway show at Exeter Hall, saw around a thousand visitors enjoying the models, the stalls and the wonderful cafe.

All of us at the Scout Group are extremely grateful to everyone who has supported these events. THANK YOU! It costs a lot of money to maintain our headquarters in Kidlington and our boat base in Wolvercote, and fundraising events help keep subs affordable for our members.

Holding three major fundraising events close together means that we start 2017 able to plan our building improvements for the whole year. Our next planned major improvement is to refurbish the toilets at the Scout centre.

Our members taking control of the model railways

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