Thursday, 8 December 2016

December update

Several of our sections have had indoor camps over the past month. The Sea Scouts had a fun-filled weekend at  Youlbury Scout campsite staying in the new Bear’s Den building, but with its warm en-suite dormitories it wasn’t much like camping at all! Many of their activities were outside however, and the troop took part in a District Wide Game on the Friday night where 150 Scouts competed in teams by torchlight. Fire-lighting, high ropes and problem solving activities took place over the weekend along with Camp Service, where Scouts do jobs at the camp site for part of a challenge badge. Several of our younger members spent a morning taking wheelbarrows full of woodchips to the bottom of the climbing tower.

Jacala Cubs had a ‘Sinterklaas’ sleepover at the Scout Centre, where they celebrated Christmas the Dutch way. One of the traditions they followed was leaving a carrot in a shoe overnight and waking up to find sweets there instead!

Continuing the Christmas theme, our youngest members enjoyed a ‘Singalong with Santa’ day at Jubilee House in Beckley along with Beaver Colonies from all around Oxfordshire. They had a great day taking part in crafts, toasting bread and marshmallows on open fires and enjoying songs and games.

December and January are our busiest times for fundraising, with Christmas Post, Bag Packing and ScoutRail. We're currently collecting Christmas cards at Freelance Fabrics and La Patisserie in Kidlington, and our Scouts will deliver them for just 25p a card (Kidlington and Bletchington only).
On Sunday 11th December, we'll be in Sainsbury's helping pack your groceries in return for a small donation. All proceeds go to the group to pay for building maintenance and new equipment.
Coming up in 2017

We’ll be starting the year as we always do, with the ScoutRail model railway show at Exeter Hall. On the weekend of 7th-8th January, our doors will be open from 10am-4:30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along – the hall will be full of large and small model railway layouts based on real and imaginary railways around the world. Layouts range from the very large (more than 20ft long) to small enough to fit on a piece of furniture. Our café will be open all weekend serving homemade cakes, sandwiches and hot and cold drinks.

In 2017, we’ll be celebrating the Scout Group’s 75th Anniversary. If were a member of the group at any time and have old photographs or a story to tell, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch at


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